Lebanon: Failed State or Transformation?
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    • #16997
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      • GDP declined for the 4th consecutive year, a total
      fall by 58% since 2018; most severe financial crisis
      in history in Chile (1926) where real GDP declined
      • LBP has lost 85% of its value on the black market
      • Inflation stood at 240% as of Jan 2022, with food
      prices are up 483% => meltdown of salaries, wages
      • Unemployment: 50% of the population; Poverty
      80% & Food poverty > 50% of population; 82% of
      the population plunged into multi-dimensional
      • Lirafication, Inflation & exchange rate
      depreciation are a tax on income (reducing real
      wages) and a massive wealth tax. The value of $
      deposits has been cut by 85% destroying
      accumulated financial wealth of several generations
      of Lebanese (incl. that of Lebanese Diaspora)

      • Two major external shocks: Covid pandemic led to a supply shock & Beirut Port
      explosion led to massive losses ($15bn) and aggravated loss of confidence in overall
      • Crisis in Syria had negative spillover effects on Lebanon, with Caesar Act (Dec
      2019) and resulting sanctions resulting in increased demand for forex (US$) and massive
      smuggling from Lebanon due to subsidised fuel, medicines and other essentials.
      • Geopolitical tensions with the GCC resulted lower trade, investment & remittances
      • Ongoing mass migration of Lebanon’s human capital (doctors, engineers,
      professionals..) threatens ability of Lebanon to recover in the future and its long-term
      growth prospects. Long-term scarring effects.
      • 4 main pillars of LB economy are being destroyed: trade & tourism, health,
      education, banking & finance

      [pdf-embedder url="https://www.e-lebanon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Lebanon-Failed-State-or-Transformation-U-of-Balamand-23-Mar-2022-2.pdf" title="Lebanon Failed State or Transformation U of Balamand 23 Mar 2022 (2)"]

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